"Cowgirls Preferred" Natural
Horsemanship / Elite Week
Come and join us at the ranch for a full
week of riding, roping!
We are offering you the opportunity to
hone your Cowboying skills for an entire week
of concentrated effort
that will improve your horsemanship and cowboy skills.
During this week
we also offer our normal Summer Horseback Riding Vacations for
folks that would rather spend a more leisurely week. Information about
the activities of this week can be found
Last year was our first year to offer
this type of a vacation, and what a great time we had!! All you have to do is look at the pictures and read the testimonials to see
what fun it was. We will take folks with/without any riding skill or level. We are
very excited to help you hone your Cowboy Skills both in your horsemanship and your knowledge of cattle.
We will help you understand your horse and how to get him to do exactly what you need whether that is jump in front of
a cow that needs turned as we
cut and sort our cattle, or put
you in position to throw a loop
on a steer in our timed events.
What great satisfaction there is
in completing our Elite
Week and realizing how much you and your horse can
accomplish when you
both have the same goals and understanding of each other.
This is a week set aside to really
concentrate on our Horsemanship including,
opening gates from horseback,
cutting and sorting, and roping. Come and join us aswe help you
understand the partnership that can be developed between you and
We look forward to enjoying a fun and
educational week with you!!!
August 28th - September 3th