
P.O. Box 100, 552 Willow Creek Rd, Cora, Wyoming 82925
   1-307-367-4868 - FAX 1-307-367-6260

          E-Mail:  info@boxr.com


                    Come Cowboy With Us, We’ll Get Dirty & Have Some Fun !!












Member of the
Dude Ranchers'







Lozier's Lonesome Dove
Fall Cattle Roundups & Aspen Color Rides
Adults Only

 7 Days and 6 Nights, Sunday  to Saturday

Sunday & Monday (same as/see Spring Cattle Drives).

Tuesday – Friday: Great working ranch horses, riding the open range, cowboying and cattle working activities are the highlight of the Lozier's Box "R" Ranch during these beautiful fall days and chilly mornings. Our schedule differs from the Spring Cattle Drives because we will be "back-riding", gathering, and sorting to bring the cattle from the high mountain summer pastures and grazing allotments back down through the shimmering Aspens and blue Sage pastures to the ranches and private lands in the valleys for the winter.


A superb highlight at Lozier's Box "R" Ranch is to enjoy riding through miles of beautiful mountain terrain, from the meadow bottoms of the ranch, into the timbered Aspen and Pine forest country of the foothills, and on to the awesome vistas of the high timberline meadows and the sweeping panoramas of the entire Wind River Mountain Range or the Wyoming or Gros Ventre Range to the north and west.

By September, the cattle are now more mature, temperatures are cooler, and cattle working hours are not as restricted as in the Spring Cattle Drives. It is common to be in the saddle six or eight hours on our longer days. The golden to vermillion autumn colors of the Quaking Aspen groves bordered by dark green Spruce and verdant Evergreens, and the soft pastel grays of the sage brush hillsides, present an unparalleled attraction. The abundance of wildlife, bugling bull elk, mule deer bounding from nearby cover, antelope racing about the ranch, or a drowsy moose nipping the fall buds from a creek bottom willow, will be a true highlight of this season. The abundance of wildlife is the most commonly quoted reference in the numerous letters of praise. The usually chilly nights create the possibility of snow in the higher regions may well accent the towering granite peaks, adding frosted contrast to already breathtaking vistas.

At the Lozier's Box "R" Ranch, we take exceptional pride in our working ranch horses, and we offer free horsemanship assistance to assure many of our less knowledgeable riders are able to gain the confidence and courage to really take part in many of the “Cowboying” activities. Come enjoy galloping across the wide open West, five or ten hoses abreast, as we travel to the far end of a huge area to find our “Strays”. These weeks have been set aside so that our participants may enjoy all the beauty of this fantastic country and fall cattle ranching activities, from the conveniences of the ranch and comforts of our cozy log cabin accommodations.



September 8th-14th / September 15th- 21st 

      Adult Only              $1695 double   /    $1795 single   

NOTE: all cattle drive activities are "tentative", participants need to bear in mind that the weeks activities are not improvisation and are governed by the numerous factors involving the cattle’s essential needs, trailing distances, weather, federal agencies, and continuity of up to 25 neighboring ranches.


© 2010 Box R Ranch. All Rights Reserved.